Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Online Sign-Up COMING SOON!! And Getting the Word Out!

Right now I am in the process of securing a timing company and online registration for the Flashlight 5K. Within the next week, I will make that decision and will post a link here and to my Facebook page. I think that having the timing company and online registration will provide a convenient and good experience to everyone involved in this event.

Also, several local businesses have offered to help advertise the Flashlight 5K. Be looking for posters in businesses and fliers on pizza boxes!! Thank you again to all who are supporting this event by advertising for us! If you would like to help advertise, please message me!

Thank you to this week's sponsors!

This week we have gotten some wonderful support and sponsors for the Flashlight 5K. I am very thankful for everyone's support through encouraging messages, donations of supplies and money and advertising. A big thank you to Anne-Marie Dan Mertes, Keson Industries and the Blackberry Bolt 5K for supporting the Flashlight 5K! Anne-Marie donated MEGASTRONG bracelets. Every runner/walker that signs up will get one in their racebag so they can be MEGASTRONG like my friend, Megan Sporny, and send her lots of positive thoughts whenever they see it. Thank you to Keson Industries for donating marking paint for our 5K course. And thank you also to the organizers of the Blackberry Bolt 5K for all of their advice and allowing us to put flyers in their racebags to advertise for the Flashlight 5K. The Bolt is a great race if you are looking for one to race on Saturday, May 4! If you or your business would like to support the Flashlight 5K, please just message me or comment below! All sponsors will be listed on the back of the race t-shirt and on display on posters at the race/walk. ðŸ™‚


This has been a great week for planning my Eagle project! I am very thankful for all of the encouragement and support for it! I met with my athletic director, Mr. Rohlman, Coach Clarey, and my dad to talk about some of the details of having an after dark 5K on Kaneland High School's cross country course. Mr. Rohlman even turned on the stadium lights for me after sunset like they will be on the night of the race. My mom and I were able to walk the course to see what the light conditions will be. I've included a few pictures so you can see too. Imagine lots of Troop 46, Kaneland cross country and track runners, Accelerators, friends and family lighting the way along these paths with flashlights, glow sticks and cheering! The start of the race will be behind the stadium (the second picture), and the finish will be on the track. Mr. Rohlman said that we can play music on the stadium's loudspeakers! I am getting very excited for what will hopefully be a fun, positive, successful race for Cal's Angels!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Inspiration for my Eagle Project

My Eagle project was inspired by a friend from my running club, Megan Sporny. Surgeons removed a malignant tumor from her spine last fall. She participated in intensive physical therapy in order to relearn how to walk and is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Now, 5 1/2 months later, she just ran her first race since her diagnosis! Megan continues to fight her high grade glioma cancer with amazing strength, resolve and tremendous support from her family and friends. Recently, the Chicago Tribune wrote an article about Megan that I've linked here.
Because I would like to help Megan and other children like her in their fight against cancer, my Eagle project will be to organize a 5K race/walk and kids' mile race on the Kaneland High School Cross Country Course on Friday evening, June 14. I am so thankful for the support of my sponsors, my troop, my cross country coach and team, and my club friends. I will be donating all proceeds from this Flashlight 5K to Cal's Angels so that we can grant wishes to children like Megan, raise awareness about pediatric cancer, and raise money for research so that someday we can find a cure for cancer in children. (By the way, pediatric cancer only gets 4% of the national funding research money for cancer. But 100% of donations to Cal's Angels goes to pediatric cancer!)
If you would like to support this project, please message me!


BIG NEWS!! The online registration for the Flashlight 5K is up and running!! Bring your funky costumes, flashl...